At Celsia, safety is a vital, non-negotiable and relevant value to maintain the well-being of collaborators as contractors and business continuity.
GRI (3-3) We are convinced that being safe is also being sustainable, maintaining business continuity, productivity and the ability to respond to any eventuality. Our main objective is that our employees and contractors return to their homes healthy every day.
Our Management
GRI (3-3) (403-1) Our Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Management aims to create a culture of self-care that allows us to integrate good safe practices. All our actions are focused on our principles:
- I take care of myself and I take care of you to live security fully.
- Work safely; stay with us.
- I can prevent incidents at all times.
- I am an example, I have the right to say “stop” to unsafe acts and conditions.
- Being safe, we are sustainable.
I Choose to Take Care of Myself (Yo Elijo Cuidarme)
GRI (3-3) (2-23) (2-24) (2-25) (403-1) (403-2) (403-4) (403-6) (403-7) This is how we have named our Occupational Health and Safety Management System (OHS). More than a name, it is an internalized Brand that reminds us every day of the voluntary decision to keep ourselves healthy and safe. This System is designed under the Plan, Do, Verify and Act (PDVA) Improvement Cycle and has 12 main elements that allow us to establish the guidelines, parameters and methodologies necessary to promote, prevent and maintain health and safety at the level wanted.

Communications and Participation
Motivation and Awareness
Management of Results and Auditing
Strategy, Policy and Principles
Leadership and Responsibility
Risk Management – Operating Discipline
I Choose to Observe
Contractor Management
Incident Reporting, Investigation and Analysis
Competent Employees
Preparation for Emergencies
I Choose to Take Care of Myself (Yo Elijo Cuidarme)
In addition to the 12 elements, I Choose to Take Care of Myself (YEC, in Spanish) has a governance scheme made up of committees, in which an interdisciplinary team from each area participates. This guarantees intervention in OHS issues or decisions and in monitoring management and results, with the advice of a Design Team and a Management Team, in charge of supporting implementation in each of the operations.
Governance Scheme
The I Choose to Take Care of Myself (YEC, in Spanish) Program Strategic Committee
The YEC Tactical Committee
The I Choose to Observe (YEO, in Spanish) Subcommittee
Incident Investigation and Analysis (YEO / IIA)
The Operational Discipline (OD) Subcommittee
Contractor-Management Subcommittee
Motivation, Training and Awareness Subcommittee
We know that, in order to achieve the goals proposed in OHS issues, we must make an effort every day and train our employees and contractors in order to improve their abilities and skills in both aspects. We recognize safety as a Human Right and a vital value of our Company, which is why all our activities seek to create a culture of prevention and self-care, which requires compliance with strict standards in terms of health, protection and safety to generate a safe, healthy working environment.
In 2022, our Training Plan was focused on the main hazards detected in risk analysis and accident characterization. We also started our great YEC (I Choose to Take Care of Myself) School Project, aimed especially at our contractors to strengthen in them the interdependent culture where “I Take Care of You and You Take Care of Me” in order to live safety fully. In addition to this, and after spending two years apart due to the ravages of the pandemic caused by COVID-19, we arrived at all our offices with the Health Day, in which employees and contractors participated.
GRI (403-8) Our Occupational Health and Safety Management System (OHS) covers 100% of our employees and contractors.
Processes and Procedures to Report Occupational Hazards
Our Results in Occupational Illness, Incidents, Fatalities and Severity
GRI (403-10) In 2022, there were zero (0) cases of Occupational Disease in Celsia. This translates into an Occupational Illness Frequency Rate (OIFR) of zero (0). The trend associated with the number of cases classified as Occupational Illness has been maintained since 2020.
Other OHS Indicators
In 2022, activities increased, which implied more hours worked. Through the I Choose to Take Care of Myself (Yo Elijo Cuidarme, YEC) School, we promoted a culture committed to reporting incidents; this increase was an expected result and evidenced in the support to contractors. This allowed us to focus our efforts to be more effective in Risk Management.
Number of Incidents Registered in Employees
SASB(IF-EU-320 a1)
Total Celsia
Employees + Contractors
Total Rate of Recordable Incidents
*2021 values are adjusted as a result of a calculation review.
Formula: (Recordable Incidents x 1,000,000) / hours worked
Central America
Total Celsia
Central America
Total Celsia
Formula: (Recordable Incidents x 1,000,000) / hours worked
Central America
Total Celsia
Central America
Total Celsia
Total Celsia
Employees + Contractors
Central America
Total Celsia
Central America
Total Celsia
Training in Occupational Health and Safety
- Induction and reinduction in OHS.
- Training in the tools I Choose to Take Care of Myself (I Choose to Observe, Operational Discipline (OD), Incident Investigation and Analysis (IIA), and Contractor Management).
- Training in Risk Management.
- Training in high-risk tasks (height, confined spaces, electrical risk, lifting loads, dangerous energies, among others).
Principal Results in 2022
GRI (3-3) We made decisive progress in consolidating the cultural transformation proposed years ago and the results demonstrate it:
We maintained the trend of zero (0) fatalities in direct employees.
We started our I Choose to Take Care of Myself (YEC) School Pilot with ten contractor companies in which 1,897 people participated and 15,176 hours of training were given. Workshops focused on risk awareness for operational level and leadership for crew leaders.
We implemented a new Contractor-Qualification Model focused on Result Indicators that guide us to know the performance of contractors in OHS issues.
We activated an exclusive line to share security capsules with contractors through WhatsApp messages, to permeate the culture of self-care by applying behavioral science.
We completed a large percentage of our FARO Project (the OHS Management Platform), where the information for analysis and decision-making is consolidated.
We finalized our I Choose to Observe (YEO) App, where we recorded behavioral observations, aligned with the new Contractor-Qualification Model.
We have a new central dashboard for OHS Indicators.
We started our “YEC as a Lifestyle” Pilot, where we focused on cardiovascular-risk care.
We reduced the incident frequency rate by 38.5%.
GRI (3-3) Short-, Medium- and Long-Term Objectives:
Short Term(0 to 2 years)
- Include a minimum of four contractor companies to the YEC School.
- Implement the prequalification model for Distribution Operating Contract (Contrato Operativo de Distribución, COD) contractor companies to assess their compliance with the requirements demanded by law and by the Company on OHS issues.
- Consolidate the authorization for labor competencies for contractor employees associated with the COD contract.
Medium Term(3 to 5 years)
- Apply data science to venture into the predictive analysis of Health and Safety Indicators.
Long Term(6 or more years)
- Be the benchmark for the energy sector in terms of OHS in the countries where we operate.
Frequency Index (FI): An Indicator that measures the frequency with which accidents occur during the work day for every million hours worked.
Severity Index (SI): An Indicator that measures the degree of seriousness of work accidents and represents the number of days lost per 1,000 hours of work.
I Choose to Take Care of Myself (YEC, in Spanish): An internal transformation program to turn safety into a life value.
FARO: The OHS Management Platform.
COD: Distribution Operating Contract.
I Choose to Observe (YEO, in Spanish): A program for behavioral observations.